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Rules for Enjoying this Forum!

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 10:22 pm
by admin
First and foremost, we want to be a respectful community that promotes open communication between hobbyists and providers and as such, will not tolerate any behavior intended to demean, malign or harm any other member.

Any discussion that is conducted in an aggressive manner may be subject to punitive action which may include warnings, suspensions or bans.

You must be of legal age (That is 18+ years of age in Canada) to use this website. If you are under the legal age of 18 you are not welcome to post on this site and you should not be involved in this business. If you are underage, we recommend you seek help if you are being forced to work in this industry or are being pursued to work in this industry!

Absolutely NO SPAM!!!

No Slander!!


Post only in the Correct forums and topics! Any unrelated posts to the topic will be deleted!

Any ads that are no longer relevant will be removed.

Users can and WILL be banned if they do not follow the rules. We will be able to track your IP address and multiple accounts from the same IP address will be deleted and result in you being banned.