Harm Reduction Nurses @ 50 Mundy pond

A place for you to discuss bad dates, numbers to avoid and other information that can help you stay safe!
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Harm Reduction Nurses @ 50 Mundy pond

Post by Sugar*Wendy* » Mon Sep 19, 2022 10:44 pm

Hello friends,

You may already be aware but the eastern health building on mundy pond has a team of harm reduction nurses. They are incredible!! They are open from 1-4 daily (not 100% sure on weekends) and offer a variety of services.
It is open to all genders & expressions. They can help with some Rx renewals, sexual health, mental health, other physical health. They work with ppl to get medical paperwork sorted, I believe help with HRT too.

The nurses have made me very welcome as both a person first and a SP. they offer tons of condoms & drug paraphernalia (if that’s your thing, not required or anything) for safer use, and tons of information.

I had my blood & urine tested (100% clear of any STI :D :D
And they asked about contraception & condom use. Also, the nurse practitioner told me to come by if I have a bad date or any other SP support.

I tried googling it but didn’t get much relevant info. I suggest you just drop by when in need or just to scope it out in the future. When looking at the main entrance of the building, go to the far right side of it, past the dry cleaners. I’ve been there twice for myself & once with a friend. 100% recommended

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Re: Harm Reduction Nurses @ 50 Mundy pond

Post by Hot_Rod » Tue Sep 20, 2022 2:44 am

Hey Wendy. Thanks for posting this. This is very valuable information indeed!!

Do you know if they generally offer STI testing? I know you had your own blood/urine tested, but is this something they offer to the general public? Or was it something you asked to get done as an SP? Would be great if we could find this out!

Thanks again!! Still looking forward to getting a session with you in the near future!

HotRod (The Hot Mod!)

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Re: Harm Reduction Nurses @ 50 Mundy pond

Post by Sugar*Wendy* » Tue Sep 20, 2022 12:22 pm

It’s open to absolutely everyone. Full STI testing. I was so impressed with their professionalism :D

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Re: Harm Reduction Nurses @ 50 Mundy pond

Post by LastSailor69 » Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:27 pm

Wendy this is great information for both SP's and Hobbyists. I'm lucky with the type of work I do I always get check ups each and every month and they check for everything. But for the average hobbyist they may not feel comfortable going to their family doctor and asking for this. Also with the way things are with getting a doctor these days some people don't have a family doctor to see. Cheer on passing this on.

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